I just had the most hilarious idea ever
(too old to reply)
Dropping The Helicopter
2008-01-11 04:57:16 UTC
Dear Evil ER Powers That Be:

Please allow me to present you with this freebie that's guaranteed to
boost your pathetic show's sagging ratings: rip off a classic bit from
the Brits, and change the spelling of Jeannie's last name to "Bullet".
Then, in every episode, make up some hackneyed excuse for Jeannie to
make a phone call to someone, and only show her half of the
conversation, which will always go something like this:

JB: "Hello, local doughnut shoppe? Yes I would like to order a dozen of
your finest doughnuts, delivered! ... Yes, send them to County General
Hospital, attention Jeannie Boulet ... How's that spelled? Yes dear, my
last name is spelled B-U-L-L-E-T ... Noooooo, it's pronounced

Seriously guys, you could milk that one bit for *years*.

You're welcome,
For those who don't know what the hell I'm on about:
For those who do: Yeah, it was funnier before I typed it up.
Ellen K Hursh
2008-01-11 20:35:39 UTC
On Jan 10, 10:57 pm, Dropping The Helicopter
Post by Dropping The Helicopter
Please allow me to present you with this freebie that's guaranteed to
boost your pathetic show's sagging ratings: rip off a classic bit from
the Brits, and change the spelling of Jeannie's last name to "Bullet".
Then, in every episode, make up some hackneyed excuse for Jeannie to
make a phone call to someone, and only show her half of the
JB: "Hello, local doughnut shoppe?  Yes I would like to order a dozen of
your finest doughnuts, delivered! ... Yes, send them to County General
Hospital, attention Jeannie Boulet ... How's that spelled?  Yes dear, my
last name is spelled B-U-L-L-E-T ... Noooooo, it's pronounced
Seriously guys, you could milk that one bit for *years*.
The sad part is, I really could see them Going There.
Post by Dropping The Helicopter
For those who don't know what the hell I'm on about:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyacinth_Bucket
For those who do: Yeah, it was funnier before I typed it up.
Yes. Yes it was. :)
Dropping The Helicopter
2008-01-12 05:57:43 UTC
On Jan 10, 10:57 pm, Dropping The Helicopter
Post by Dropping The Helicopter
Please allow me to present you with this freebie that's guaranteed to
boost your pathetic show's sagging ratings: rip off a classic bit from
the Brits, and change the spelling of Jeannie's last name to "Bullet".
Then, in every episode, make up some hackneyed excuse for Jeannie to
make a phone call to someone, and only show her half of the
JB: "Hello, local doughnut shoppe? Yes I would like to order a dozen of
your finest doughnuts, delivered! ... Yes, send them to County General
Hospital, attention Jeannie Boulet ... How's that spelled? Yes dear, my
last name is spelled B-U-L-L-E-T ... Noooooo, it's pronounced
Seriously guys, you could milk that one bit for *years*.
The sad part is, I really could see them Going There.
Actually, I could too. :-(. Still, it couldn't make the show any
worse. So we have that going for us. Which is nice.
Post by Dropping The Helicopter
For those who don't know what the hell I'm on about: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyacinth_Bucket
For those who do: Yeah, it was funnier before I typed it up.
Yes. Yes it was. :)
Sorry. ;-)
