Post by DawnKPost by CoryThe little girl had a 0.15 BAC.
--- Cory
Wow. Model parents there! Poor thing.
What concerns me most however is that the human species is so short of
breeding stock that we couldn't possibly spare even these four sterling
examples of vaguely-human-shaped vomit-creatures to the gallows.
....Hmm? What's that? You mean to tell me that there's going on SEVEN
*BILLION* of us?
Wow. Well, then it's doubly tragic that rope is in such short supply
these days that none can be spared for stringing up such
gene-pool-filter-clogging detritus.
....wh... what's that you say? Rope is plentiful, and is in fact
available in both natural and synthetic varieties at any hardware or
home and garden store?
W. Ow. Well, I guess then all's I can say is that it's too bad that
all this Global Warming(tm) we've been having has killed off all trees
of subhuman-filth-hanging size and/or sturdiness.
...why... why no, in fact I have not walked down any local street
lately. Why do you ask?